Thursday, June 09, 2005

Am I scared?

Am I scared? What is it that I am scared of? Why can't I make the leap? I tell myself that it is because I haven't heard what leap to make. Maybe I have heard it and I have just ignored it. Maybe it isn't time for me to hear it yet. Maybe all of this pain and sadness is going to make that leap even better when I figure out what leap I am supposed to make. I still have faith that God has a plan for me, but it gets harder every day. I know God has a place for me to go. I am standing here with the car packed and full of gas. I just need a map. Actually, I just need a destination.

Lord, my life is yours. Use me.

1 comment:

amy said...

I hear ya, Robert! All I know is, in retrospect, it's so easy to see God's hand guiding us through the twists and turns of life. But, when you're standing in this in-between place, this purgatory (sorry for the RC reference but it fits!), it is so much tougher to know the way out or even that there is a way out. One of the things I've learned in the past few months is that this process of discernment is probably one of the most valuable, life-changing, relationship-with-God building times in life! I know how challenging it is, and I really admire you for sharing your process with us. I also know you're right, though.... God has a great plan for your life and talents and there is a definitive answer on the other side of this in-between place!