Thursday, April 20, 2006

Calling all bloggers!!!!

As you can see I have a pretty nice list of friends on the sidebar that have blogs. Unfortunately, many of those people's blogs have been dormant for quite sometime. So, this blog is to thank those who have been blogging and to chastise those that have not.

Thanks goes to the following people for actually posting in the month of April:


And now to the chastising. The following people need to get on the ball and post some stuff so that I have something to read while at work (the last time they posted is in parenthesis):
Ryan (03/30/06)
James (03/18/06)
Amy (03/16/06)
Jeff (03/12/06)
Davis and Julie (03/06/06)
Melanie (03/03/06)
Elizabeth (02/24/06)
Morgan (01/15/06)
Chris (10/24/05)
Nick (07/13/05)

Thanks to those who help me get through the work day by posting. To those of you who haven't been posting, get on it. I am getting sick of reading and the Presbyterian News Service.



WT said...

You think your wife will smack you for calling her out on a blog?

I wouldn't have risked it. You are more man than I...

Andy said...

call them out, call them out...waaaayyyyy out!
lazy blogger heads, especially that nick reed guy...hasn't blogged in a year..sheeesh...given me withdrawals like that, just not humane

Dan W. Boles said...

Add another blog to your list of entertaining and creative ways to avoid doing what you should be doing to look busy doing what you do... or something like that.

grace & peace,
Dan (the W'z cuz)

Andrew Yeager-Buckley said...

I signed up for blogrolling a while ago and never set it up. Thanks for reminding me about it.

Apostle John said...

I'm just coming out of a dormant stage myself :)