Saturday: We arrived to the airport (after riding Marta) over an hour prior to our flight. Much to our dismay, the AirTran line at the Marta entrance had about 50 people in it. So we opted for the main ticket counter. As we got closer to the main counter, we realized we had made a bad choice. Quite literally the main ticket counter line was close to a mile long wrapping around the corridor. We promptly headed back to the Marta entrance line. After waiting about 30 minutes we started to get nervous that we would miss our flight. Morgan used her charm and good looks to get us expedited to the front of the line where our bags were promptly checked in and we headed to the gate. We got to the gate after everyone else had boarded and we were finally on our way. (Note to self: NEVER FLY ON THE FIRST SATURDAY OF SPRING BREAK AGAIN)
After arriving we got our rental car (Dodge Durango) and headed to Fisherman's Wharf. We checked into the hotel (the Hilton in Fisherman's Wharf) and headed out to the Wharf where we had a hot dog and a beer while being attacked by seagulls. We strolled the shops and then decided to do a driving tour. We drove down Lombard Street and to Union Square. Finally, we headed back to the Hotel where our 'Amenities' (a nice bottle of Champagne and some strawberries, compliments of the hotel since it was our anniversary) was waiting. We ate and drank and watched the end of the semi-final games of the Final Four. Then we headed to an Irish Pub for dinner and called it an early night.
Sunday: We ate breakfast at a cute little place called Pat's Cafe that overlooked the Cable Car line. Then we headed to Alcatraz in the rain. After seeing Capone's cell we did a driving tour of Chinatown and then a walking tour of Chinatown (also in the rain, so we finally purchased a second umbrella) and then we at at the R & G Lounge (a local Chinatown favorite). Again we retired early.
Monday: Rain again (we are getting used to it). We finally actually rode the cable car to Union Square. After walking all over the place we settled in for lunch at a soup and sandwich place. Then we acted like we have a lot of money and walked in the nice stores around Union Square. Morgan tried on expensive designer jeans in Saks and we looked at jewelry at Tiffany's. Then we headed to the Cable Car Muesem (there is a reason it is FREE). We checked out of our hotel and despite Morgan's navigational skills, we did driving tours of Golden Gate Park, Haight-Ashbury, and Sausalito. We also did a walking tour of Muir Woods National Park. We arrived at the Embassy Suites in Napa just in time for the complimentary cocktails and then went to dinner at a local sports bar so we could watch the National Championship Basketball game.
Tuesday: After a 'cooked to order' breakfast at the Embassy Suites, we headed to the wineries (finally). Although it was still raining, that didn't stop them from pouring us all sorts of wine to taste. Today's wineries included Robert Mondavi, Plumpjack, and Clos du Val. Dinner was at the Bistro Don Giovanni where Morgan had a Pizza Margarita and I had a Pan Fried Chicken with Mashed Potatos.
Wednesday: After another 'cooked to order' breakfast, we headed to Copia (the museum for food and wine in Napa). We saw trashy art, I mean, uh, art made of trash and tasted a few different wines and cheeses. We then headed to a local grocery store where we picked up a typical 'tourist picnic lunch' (cheese, crackers, and summer sausage). Thanks to the wonderful people at Clos du Val (one of the wineries from Tuesday) we had free tasting coupons for several other wineries and, as you all know, we can't ever pass up anything free. Today's wineries included Hagafen, Regusci, Goosecross, and Cosentino. At Regusci they had picnic tables, so we ate our tourist lunch (see pic below) and then drank wine while admiring the two well-behaved yellow labs and the view. While we were there, the hogs got out of the pin and so the owner had to run off with a few farmhands to chase them down. Tonight we are headed to Rutherford Grille which comes highly recommended from ALL of the locals. Plus, we can bring our own wine without paying a corkage fee.
More to come later...

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