Thursday, January 19, 2006

How does killing a guy in a frozen pond make people want to buy a Chevrolet or watch the Olympics?

Have you seen this commercial? You know the one where the three guys have painted 'U' 'S' 'A' on their chest and are at the Winter Olympics cheering on the USA Olympic team. Then, the 'S' guy walks out onto a frozen pond as he is cheering and falls through the ice. The 'U' and the 'A' then use their Chevrolet SUV to pull him out of the pond. They then wonder if they should take their friend to the hoospital because he is frozen stiff with his hands straight up in the air, but they decide they still need an 'S'. So, they strap their friend on the top of their Chevrolet SUV and go to another Winter Olympic event. At the next event the guys are cheering on another event next to some attractive girls with the 'S' guy still frozen. The girls ask what the deal is with their frozen friend and say "he's kinda cute". The guys then strap their friend on top of their Chevrolet SUV again and follow the girls (who are also driving a Chevrolet SUV) to another Olympic event. The voice over tells you that Chevrolet is a proud sponsor of the Winter Olympics that will be on NBC.

So, how does killing a guy in a frozen pond make people want to buy a Chevrolet or watch the Olympics? Now, I appreciate comedy as much as the next guy, but I just am having a hard time finding the comedic appeal of this commercial. I just don't find any humor in this. I believe that I have that immature sense of humor that begins forming as a 6th grade boy and doesn't fully develop until your senior year in college. However, despite that frat boy sense of humor, I just don't even crack a smile while watching this commercial. I am honestly confused about the approach the advertisers are taking in this commercial. I just don't get it.

Can someone explain this to me?

-Cornholio (see, I have an immature "Beavis and Butthead" sense of humor)

PS- I searched diligently for this commercial on the internet and could not find it. If anyone knows a URL that has this commercial, please let me know.


Andy said...

Yeah...this commercial is pretty stupid. Elizabeth and I cringe every time we see it. I mean they're carring around a dead body and picking up chicks. That's not funny, that's sad.

Now if it were two guys carring around their dead frozen friend because he kept their Budlights cold, that would be a different story, and a funnier commercial... :)

Nahhhh...still would be dumb...

10:26 PM

Robert said...

It is like 'Weekend at Bernies III - The Winter Olympics Version'

Real stupid!!!!!


Apostle John said...

I have not seen this one -- how strange!

Apostle John said...

I finally saw the commercial -- really in bad taste.

Alan Bancroft said...

You know, it never occured to me that the guy was dead. I just thought he was frozen stiff, but still alive. For that reason, I wasn't bothered by it as much as I just thought it was stupid.