Yep, I finally have joined the dark side. I asked for and received a 30GB Video iPod (in black, as shown above) for my birthday (which was Saturday, I turned 28). I have basically spent every minute since I opened it playing with iTunes and my iPod. I am an "iPod Virgin" so if anyone has some advice, I would love to hear it. I am looking for advice on iTunes, helpful iPod software, and any tips and tricks you have picked up along the way.
PS- Also, any advice on the extended warranty that 'Best Buy' offers would be appreciated. My wife bought the extra warranty, but we have 30 days to return the warranty if we don't want it. Still trying to decide.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Cool gift...Elizabeth has one but doesn't let me play with it... :(...no, that's not true. I've tinkered with it and it's a lot of fun...are you going to buy the $250 portable stand with speakers that converts I-POD into sound system...it's sweet too...don't have one but have seen them.
I don't know what the extended warranty @ Best Buy includes or how long it would last you. But I've had my iPod right at a year and it's just now started to act up. That sad-face-iPod icon I was afraid to see one day? Seen it. I am now a pro at the iPod-reset function now. My father's had just as much trouble with his, also about a year since he purchased it.
My advice may wind up along the lines of... think of an iPod as disposable, much like a cell phone has become. Though more expensive than a phone, I still don't think you're going to get 5 years out of the thing.
Plus by the time 2011 (!) rolls around, don't you think Apple will have invented something waaaay cooler? I mean, look at what you got vs. what I bought a year ago. Yours is already two generations ahead of mine.
Of course, take my opinion for what you will... I'm just a reader out there you've never met! haha
Happy Birthday!! Jason is an IPOD/apple FREAK!! I have the NANO. He is constantly downloading podcasts to listen to-to and from work. . .
do you have an itrip yet?
like a virrrrgiiiin, connected for the very first time, like a virrrrrrrrrgin, an Ipod next to mine....wooo..
sorry, the madonna song jumped in my head and I had to share...
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