Saturday, September 10, 2005

Gulftreat - Day 4

Well, I finally had to leave Gulftreat to head home. I got up Friday morning and tried to take care of all the little things I needed to and made a list of items to hand off to the Shelter Director and the Pastor. I said goodbye to several of the volunteers and to some of the guests. They all were very appreciative of my time and hard work.

As I drove away, I couldn't help but feel like I was running away from people in need. I know that I just spent the last 4 days working my butt off and using my vacation time to do it. I know what I did was a good thing. However, was 4 days enough? These people will be living this nightmare for the next several months and I get to go home to my wife and dog and house after only 4 days. I get to go home and watch football all day on my comfy couch. I get to go back to my job and my friends and act like this devastation never occurred. The logical side of my brain tells me that there will always be more people I can help, but that I must get on with my life or I will spend the rest of my life volunteering. However, my heart wants to help as many people as I can as much as I can.

At work, we have this concept of 'Work/Life Balance'. Basically our bosses tell us that they want us to work hard, but that they also expect us to balance that with a life away from work so we don't get burnt out. How do I balance my life with a life of helping others?

1 comment:

amy said...

Curious that you ask this question, Robert...this question and the answer I discovered is the main reason I am now a seminarian.