Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Grind

No, I am not referring to what you may do to coffee beans, or to a provocative dance (although that would be an interesting post), or to an MTV dance show. I am talking about the same ole crap that we do every day because we have to. For me, it is getting up and going to work. As you may have read in earlier posts, I really should have NO reason to complain about my job. I am rewarded, recognized, and compensated for my hard work. But, that just isn't enough sometimes.

I am in the process of switching roles at work. My new role will be much more leveraged and influential. I will learn a lot and will be depended on for my strong opinion much more. I will be self-directed and self-managed and will be responsible for dealing with many outside groups and clients. All in all, this new role will be very challenging and will be 3 or 4 steps up the proverbial 'corporate ladder'. But, I still don't think that is enough.

Although this new role may feed my ego and may cause me to be more highly compensated, I am not sure that it will make 'The Grind' any less painful. I hunger for something more. I still haven't found it (cue the U2 music), but I am patiently waiting for God to show me the door so I can open it.

-Samir Nagheenanajar


Andy said...

Keep the faith and the wait (the hardest part believe me, I know; went through 3 years while at the Post-Herald). Holy Spirit is movin in mysterious ways. God is not done with you yet. You have amazing gifts that God is calling you to use in new and different ways. I know they will become clearer in the days ahead.
I miss you and Morgan and everyone else there.
Sukdeth Pundjestical

That is a real name, no shit, no lie...one of youth at Massanetta Springs Middle School conference said it was a friend of his brothers and he wasn't lying, true story.

Robert said...

Samir Nagheenanajar is the name of the Indian character in the movie Office Space. In the movie, no one can say his name and so instead the guy who is doing the layoffs says 'Samir Notgonnaworkhereanymore'. Funny stuff and a very accurate portrayal of my work environment.

Andrew Yeager-Buckley said...

I know what you mean Robert. Very similar experience here at The Courier-Journal. Don't get me wrong, I feel very blessed to have a job at all. I was given a gift of serving the church for 3 years. In some ways thats now working against me. I've tasted what its like to be part of something thats bigger than you. Part of a larger mission. A call, not just a job. I want that back so badly. Not working at The Center specifically but being part of a mission not a sales team. I'm very proud of your most recent accomplishment. I'm sure your parents are as well.

Andrew Yeager-Buckley said...
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