Thursday, September 08, 2005


I interrupt this regularly scheduled broadcast of my experiences at Gulftreat to announce that all you bloggers out there that are reading my blog and aren't updating your own blog are being a bunch of slackers. If I can find 10 minutes at the end of a long day of manual labor to write a blog, then you folks can find 5 minutes to at least make fun of me or something so that I have something to distract me from all of the grief around me. So, snap to it!!!

We now return to our regularly scheduled broadcast...


Andy said...

Who's the pot calling the kettle black? Man, I've been havin withdrawals from your website for a month! Slacker...i got you slacker.... :)

Andy said...

Let me start over because the last post was grammatically incorrect....It should've gone somethin like this:

Slacker...I hardly know her that what they call the horizontal mombo these days...

Thank you, thank you...I'm here at the Copa all week....

Anonymous said...

Dude, I've averaged two posts a week lately. So whatever.